Monday, February 6, 2012

Parachutes and Headbands

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Quiet. MY house. 
For a couple hours!

I think the ticket was self-motivated solo projects that take concentration and creativity   ...and full bellies.

My son checked out a book last week at his school library called Make It Work: Flight.

 It has instructions for designing airplanes, rockets, spaceships, etc.  He opted to assemble a parachute using a wine cork, putty, a nail, tissue paper and thread.

 It's maiden voyage was pretty exciting!

Then it was forgotten on the floor and became trampled by pirates and Buzz Lightyear.  (No worries, a few minor patches and it was ready for another flight.)

Zebra designed some headbands with a kit called Fashion headbands.

Yes, that is a smoothie mustache.

She spent hours with ribbons, flowers and glue and completed three out of the ten headbands so we have plenty of fun still left in the box.  I did pull out my glue gun for a few reinforcements.

Among other projects, I planted a schefflera I had rooting in a vase of water for a while.

 I dipped the stems in a rooting hormone and place them in soil.

It's in a pot now that will remain by the sink so I can keep the soil especially moist to promote root growth.  Wish me luck.  Last time I tried to root schefflera I followed instructions and used peat moss, vermiculite and a heating pad.

They all died.

My love helped me assemble a new fish tank for my office desk.  My old one was in fact a terrarium and I'm lucky it didn't leak water all over the place!   This one is a bit bigger too and since my cute little axolotl died, I'm going to fill it with guppies and favorites!

On another note....I'm researching chairs and tables for my dining room.  I think I may have come up with a decision on the chairs and a craftsman to build my table.  I'll keep you posted!

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