Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Keep Thriftin', like the do-dah man, just keep thriftin' o on, o o on!

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Did a little thrifting today after dropping the kids off at camps.  My friend Alyssa and I met at the Goodwill and had fun browsing the aisles and filling our carts with completely random and highly necessary items.  The indoor golf thingamajig is a perfect present for my son who will be 8 next week.

Gotta love the boutique section at the Goodwill.  I got this cool shell bracelet and a metal hinged black beaded bracelet.

A fun owl clock to add to my clock collection in my tacky bathroom, a black skater helmet for my kids, and my new favorite green scarf!

A shower nozzle so I can rinse the sand out of my son's hair, a timex alarm clock/sound machine so I can drown out the voices in my head, and a cute Indian style top for my daughter.

And what is that you ask?  What is that fabulous upholstered piece of furniture under my display of thrift store goods?

That is my new couch I was drooling over for weeks at another thrift store.  I picked it up 30% off for $20 when I got my new dining room chairs.  

Here's the photo I carried on my phone for over a week.  My iphone made it a little brighter then in real life.  I even went back twice to check it out again.  I was originally thinking of putting it in my bedroom, but when my husband saw the picture he said it made him want to puke.  So.....I rearranged my office because that baby had to come home with me!

I love it.  And so does Milton.

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